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Meet Our Characters

Let's discover our characters right away!


Tortis Grandfather

Meet Tortis's wise and adventurous grandpa.With his age-old wisdom, GrandPa is known throughout the reef for his tales of daring escapades and his deep love for the ocean. But there was trouble brewing in the heart of the coral reef. The vibrant colors were fading, and the once-thriving marine life was disappearing. Determined to restore the beauty and harmony, GrandPa embarked on a mission to save the reef, accompanied by his enthusiastic and curious grandson, Tortis.

Lenny the seahorse

Tortis's Friend

Meet Lenny, a spirited seahorse with a heart as big as the ocean.Lenny embarks on a mission to save the magnificent coral reef, joined by his loyal friend, Tortis the turtle.


So, grab your snorkel and get ready to join them on their heroic journey to save the reef. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that future generations can marvel at the vibrant beauty of this underwater paradise. Let the adventure begin!

Rouget, the fish

Tortis's Friend

Meet the brave and determined little fish named Rouget. With his vibrant scales and a heart full of courage, Rouget is known throughout the reef for his adventurous spirit and unwavering loyalty to his friends.


So, join Rouget and Tortis on their exciting journey as they navigate the enchanting depths of the reef, filled with laughter, friendship, and a shared purpose. The ocean is calling, and the adventure awaits! Will you swim alongside them and help save the reef?

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