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Facts about Coral Reefs

Coral Reefs are the Ocean's Rainforests:

Only 0.7% of the ocean bottom is covered by coral reefs, yet they provide an essential habitat and breeding ground for 25% of all marine species on the globe. Corals, which are made up of countless small creatures called polyps, are what give rise to the Great Barrier Reef, the greatest biological structure in the world.

No Coral Reefs, No Marine Life

Numerous commercial fish species, such as the "capitaine," "vieille rouge," and "ourites" in Mauritius, as well as 700 different types of coral and hundreds of other plants and animals are all supported by coral reefs.

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Erosion control and shoreline protection:

Shorelines are shielded by coral reefs from erosion, storm, and wave damage. For instance, it is calculated that each square meter of coral reef protects US$ 47,000 worth of property.

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Benefits of Coral Reefs 

Corals include pharmacological substances that have been proven to help combat heart disease, asthma, infections, cancer, and HIV/AIDS, and they provide an astounding range of medicinal benefits.

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